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Care Homes / Hospices (England) and Alarm Receiving Centres

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Does anyone know if it is a mandatory requirement for fire alarms in Care Homes / Hospices in England to be linked directly to an Alarm Receiving Centre?

I believe in Scotland that it is (following Rose Park Care Home) but cannot find anywhere in writing that says it must be linked in England? 

I have seen some FRA's where the assessor recommends it (especially in cases where staff turnover is high or they use agency staff who may not appreciate / understand the importance of ringing 999 immediately).  But have searched high & low and cannot find anything else...

Or does it come down to the FRA as to whether or not it is linked?

If anyone has any guidance they can direct me towards, it would be much appreciated! 


No, England lags behind Scotland in many ways in legislation & guidance, so it isn't explicitly legally required, however fire is the same regardless of which side of the border a premises on so any diligent & reasonable assessor would include it in the FRA.

If the Responsible Person chooses not to take up that guidance that is entirely up to them and at their ultimate liability.

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