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bariatric chair without proper labelling


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Clearing the house of a deceased relative I tried to donate a modern riser recliner bariatric chair built to very high specifications to a charity.  When they came to look at it they could not locate fire labelling.  I am in a quandary - it's less than 3 years old - the person who saw it confirmed it was built to the highest standards.  I am at a loss - will it have to be thrown away - it would be a terrible waste

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If the chair is classed as domestic upholstered furniture and the charity sold it, they would be in breach of the FFFSR, so most charities will not accept without permanent labels. The fault lies with the manufacturer, importer, retailer or the person purchasing the chair not checking the permanent labels where in place.

Most probably the chair was manufactured abroad and not covered by the FFFSR but the importer should have checked this and insisted on document proof.


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Thank you for you reply. We would happily give it away to anyone who could make use of it - individual or non charity - would that be appropriate with an explanation.  Unfortunately, although my uncle was a hoarder I can find no documentation.

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The following is only my personal view.

Originally the upholstery in domestic furniture was springs, hessian and horsehair, covered with wool Moquette and was flammable but not highly flammable. However in the 1950,s they started using highly flammable foam filling, making the furniture much more dangerous.

In the 1979 there was a fire in Woolworth store opposite Piccadilly Gardens in the centre of Manchester, involving the furniture department, attended by the assistant chief fire officer, Bob Graham. He was horrified at the ferocity of the fire and considering the number of deaths in domestic premises, started a campaign on the dangers of this type of furniture, resulting in the introduction of the https://www.firesafe.org.uk/furniture-and-furnishings-fire-safety-regulations-19881989-and-1993/ 

Upholstered furniture made before 1950 was excluded because of the methods used and materials used. Upholstered furniture made between 1950 and 1988 was considered dangerous and should not be resold. Upholstered furniture made after 1988 is fully subject to the FFFSR.

Upholstered furniture manufactured abroad is not covered by the FFFSR but the importer, should have checked this and insisted on document proof. If there are no permanent labels the fault lies with the manufacturer, importer and retailer. Also the person purchasing the upholstered furniture, not checking the permanent labels where in place and refusing to buy.

Another important consideration is being able to prove an item of upholstered furniture meets the required standards. Assuming they are conforming to the FFFSR, for the first five years the manufacturer, importer or retailer will have documented proof and will ensure a permanent label is fixed to each item of upholstered furniture. The purchasers will need to ensure a permanent label is attached for the life of each item, so he/she will be able to prove they meet the required standards.

The present FFFSR is considered not fit for purpose and is being revised, check out https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/furniture-and-furnishing-fire-safety-regulations-proposed-changes-2016 and http://www.toxicsofa.com/

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