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Mains 141 Ionisation Smoke + Alkaline Battery does not sound alarm

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Guest Rich Holden

I have had the power off over the summer with students having left. Now one of the bedroom sensors doesn't sound an alarm when tested! Do I need to re pair it to the Heat sensor smoke alarm in the kitchen? The green light is on but there is a flashing red light when the test button is pressed which goes away after several seconds the unit is good till 2024 only fitted in 2014. Regards Richard Holden.


Hi Rich

Two possibilities:

1) if its an ionisation alarm (Ei141/Ei161/Ei151), an alarm test can take 10-15 seconds, quite a bit longer than for optical alarms, for example (Ei146, Ei166, Ei156). This could give the impression that the units are not working.

2) make sure the alarm is back on the ceiling when testing. Sometimes people replace the backup batteries of the Ei140 series and test the units while in their hand

Other than that there is no reason why the system should not be working. It would then be a case to claim against your 5 year warranty either with aico or with your retailer.


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