I own a top floor flat in a Victorian mansion block. There are four flats in total and we all have a share of the freehold. Management of property is done ourselves. The flats consist of lower ground floor (separate entrance), ground floor, first floor and second floor (top floor conversion).
I lived in the flat for a good few years and now rent my flat out. But have realised there has never been a fire safety risk assessment carried out since I’ve lived there. The property was converted prior to 1991. I have a few questions.
1. What type of FSA should be carried out? Can we do this ourselves and is there a checklist anyone can point us to?
2. Are there any specific rules and regs we need to apply?
3. I want to get smoke alarms fitted in communal areas. Will battery ones suffice which wireless connect to each other?
I will also provide my tenants with fire extinguishers/blankets. Is there anything else I can advise if they are top floor?
I’ve tried to find out all this information on line but it’s quite confusing.