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Everything posted by wes

  1. Further to add, 99/100 panels, especially HMOS never have zonal diagrams - Is it unrealistic for a house/HMO to have one or a non-compliance again i presume? It seems a little bizzare that some decent labelling wouldn't suffice i.e Zone 3 - Top floor bedrooms
  2. Hi, Thanks for your help, Im currently absorbing all the information I can before doing a further course. Yes its Grade A, Sounder circuits are FP - My quote was rejected by landlord to use these circuits to convert to an Alarmsense system utilising the cable runs as its a big HMO and making it sounder base/smokes etc throughout. Another company came along and told me I was wrong and it complied before "2008" I beleive they said so it has to still comply. I can't now remember the make of the panel but i found another one with a new Ctec panel recently, conventional system - I Presume i can set this panel to Short Circuit? The Designer - How would you locate this from so many years ago? Client, Risk Assessor and authority should't be an issue. In terms of my certificate i would state it as non-compliance and ensure all of the above criteria is met and state it on the certificate or some kind of official papertrail? Thanks
  3. Hi, this is a Grade A system not mains interlink. If it was pre-installed before 2008 can this be noted and labelled Satisfactory with a non-compliance? Thanks
  4. Hi, I'm 16 years time served and highly qualified in the electrical industry, plenty of fire alarm experience and the Eal Regs Level 3 for the requirements and beginning a Zues course soon to further my knowledge. I'm getting more commissioning work , I use solo equipment. I'm doing HMOS and I've found two recently that have red PVC for the zones which unfortunately does not have any FR. These buildings are big and rewiring would be very hard and impractical with students living there. My question is if all other things are satisfactory- can it be passed as satisfactory with a cavet of non compliance? Obviously legally I want to be covered and would prefer to upgrade systems but it would be a challenge to say the least.
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