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Robert Burrage

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  1. I must apologise but im not understanding. what is classed as a protected hall ?
  2. also there are smokes in the communal hallways linked to a mains system. the heat alarms inside the properties will also be linked to the blocks alarm system
  3. so internally there are smoke alarms mains wired & they are talking about having a heat alarm inside each flat now. do you think the heat alarm would be sufficient so the AOVs wouldnt be required ?
  4. Thank you for your reply. I am the only flat on my floor (6th) and the exit door to stairwell (stairwell has smoke vent) is only 4m away as I am only 4m from the exit do I still need the window to have an AOV ?
  5. since the property was built in 2005 the AOV system for the hallways ( 6 floors small communal hallway) was never commissioned. previous fire safety reports never flagged any issues. new management company has alleged to a fire safety inspector that the AOV system was broken. we now have a section 20 notice and have to have the windows open 24/7 until its resolved. is this compulsory or can we keep it has its always been (not commissioned) ? There is an AOV working in the communal staircase they have just never been commisioned in the small hallways. I wonder if it wasnt required so never actioned
  6. Thank you for your answer. the development is split into 4 buildings but my building seems to have received personal attention. they appear to have removed locks from my demised escape route & replaced with coded locks. citing fire safety advice so ive asked to see the whole report they have now said I can go to the management premises to view it only for my block. i. cant have a copy...this is the leaseholder run management comany whose directors (leaseholders) have seen the report in its entirety but are refusing for other leaseholders to view. somethings not right...do I have a right to view the whole report if its readcted to remove personal information
  7. We are leaseholders & all members of a management company. some of the leaseholders were nominated to be directors. we had a fire safety report carried out & the directors are refusing to provide the report to us citing privacy issues. we have agreed that they should redact any personal information but they are still refusing to provide the report yet as leaseholders themselves, they have seen it.
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