If a quarterly test of the communal fire alarm is conducted in January, does this mean the January monthly test is not required?
Also, does the testing of an L5 system connected to an AOV come under BS 5839 scheduling or another British Standard?
Hi all,
In my FRA I am asked the question: "Are the windows leading onto the escape route above 1.1m fire resisting".
i am under the impression that windows below 1.1m and less than 1.8m in distance from flat entrances in a block of flats escape route have to be fire resisting. Is this true?
Thank you but if someone is carrying out an FRA, are there any specific giveaways that tell us it is a fire door such as minimal gaps between the door and the frame, the door being solid when knocked on etc
Hi all,
is there anyway you can tell a flat front door meets FD30S regs from an external assessment only? How confident would you be in your assessment?