Hi there. I'm a disabled student and my lights have recently been "fixed" (all disabled rooms being fitted with new light units.) but my bathroom one hasn't which has lead me to slight confusion.
I'm the only one in my room over the summer months so can't ask anyone staying in the other rooms.
This means I now have 2 very bright green lights that are constantly on (looking like a bright green dot in the corner when my lights are on - they are very bright- but this is what I expected). I can deal with the the green being bright if they were like the old ones/ my bathroom where they cut of after the 4/5 hour mark. But they don't.
So can anyone tell me what is the correct one. The dull green in my bathroom that turns off into a green dot (also like the kitchen and hall lights) or my bedroom ones that stay on constantly.
It's just my room isn't that big and two large circular green lights provide more light then my bedside lamp. It's causing headaches and I'm struggling with sleeping. I've got facemasks but that leads to other health or safeguarding issues.
I'd attach a picture but it's too big a file and I don't know how to make it smaller. Sorry.