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  1. Hi all , just inspected a fire door and the gaps are in need of some adjustment . Top edge 3-5mm The hinge edge is 3-1mm Leading edge 3.5 but with a small dent above the lock at 6 mm. Now the area isn’t huge . Would you deed this as a fail ? I have suggested packing bottom hinge over to increase within the 2-4mm tolerance and help an issue on the head . Would you allow a small area to have a bigger gap . May even only be by 1-2mm bigger max 8mm in height ? I don’t want to suggest a new door nor do I want to risk safety .
  2. So been a riser door fire door keep Locked fixed to the outside would be my choice. Why would it be inserted on the leaf edge ? Would you deem this a pass or fail ? Approved document B doesn't cover this issue ?
  3. Hi Folk's , I was recently on a project (not inspecting) and I noticed the fire door keep shut/locked signs had been routed into the edge rather a sign fixed to the door face . How do you feel this applies document B and M ? Advice would be much appreciated THANKS
  4. Hi all , I’ve recently carried out a survey on an apartment block, that has recently had a refurb . All the doors are existing with no test evidence or manufacturers documentation. They are all nominal suggested Fd30s. Only works done to them are to change any components that may have failed I.e strips missing , closer not working etc . The lobby doors have glazing but no fire rated markings . The glass is wired . Would I be safe to say this is a pass and write a caveat, to say I’ve pass off the history and integrity wired glass, has in relation to holding back fire . Or fail , leaving the customer with no option to replace ??? (Seems extreme ) . Thanks in advance
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