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Everything posted by 54321M

  1. After any advice from the forum 🤞 We have many external front entrance FD30 doors to replace that have have services passing through the existing glazed fan lights. The client will not relocate any services and our door supplier only has testing under UKCA for a full width fan light section. There is no fire consultant or building control involved so at a loss at the moment. I am struggling to find a solution that would allow us to create a tested partition detail and certify the door set alongside. I have spoken with Promat but they need steel section installing to separate from the door set which is a huge task and additonal cost to the project. Could anyone point me in the right direction or has experience of this from previous projects? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Neil, Thank you for the reply. Regarding the FD30 FED's is there any reason a hard wood ply board could not be pre cut into strips and fixed to the brick sub strate, then we pack the frame off this and firestop accordingly? I understand the material should be the same as the sub-frame but our client is making us use hardwood only which cost wise will spiral and I do not believe it is required. The denisty of the hard wood ply is higher than the frame density and is re sessed in between a plaster finish and external brickwork, so wondered if this could be an option.
  3. Good evening, When fitting new FD30 front entrance doors the internal reveals are considerably finished over the door leg meaning we would fix a sub frame to the substrate, then wedge and firestop off this. I always thought for an FD30 a soft wood continuous timber was suitable but I have been told it must be the same denisty or greater than the frame even though it is behind the plastered reveal / brickwork and then covered over with a firestopping method. Can anyone advise if this is correct and hardwood must be used?? Also on the external face we have a 10mm gap of intumescent sealant which according to BS 8214:2016 would not require architraves but building control have said we must trim up end of story. Can anyone recommend a product for external use which would be suitable in a white finish?? Thanks
  4. Thankyou for the reply Neil. I had contacted well known manufacturers of both previously and have received replys now confirming there would be no test evidence to back up either solution so at a loss with it at the moment. I presume the only way to move forward is to offer the above suggestions to the client / consultant for comment, and not certify this section of work or carry out a masonary solution. Its hard work the social housing side of things.
  5. After any advice from the forum 🤞 We have some FED's which are on external balconies and have ducts and services passing through the existing fan light sections. Our door supply can not provide any testing to cover pipework and vents passing through the fan light section and the client has flat refused to relocate anything. If we install fire batt and intumecent sealant across the fan light section is there a a standard board used for cladding over / protecting the fire batt from damage that anyone has used for ease??
  6. Hi all, The safe lincs fire door selector is a fantastic tool for ordering doors. My question is can it be used in situations where primary test evidence has been requested? The certifire document does not appear to state a particular hinge or lock from what I can see. Am I correct that in this situation I would have to look else where. Thanks in advance.
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