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  1. Thank you AnthonyB, our main entrance will be the only means of escape. Is this still acceptable? Thanks again.
  2. Hi and thank you for letting me join. This may have been covered already so please forgive me. I represent a local community group in Scotland and we have recently been given sole use of premises which we aim to use as a food pantry, school holiday lunch club and a cooking on a shoe string kitchen where we will educate people on how to prepare and cook simple meals on a low budget. This will have a need to prepare and cook food in an already established kitchen and will of course have a need for table top hot plates and ovens etc. The premises are part of a community hall which is well over 100 years old and is up a flight of stairs and on the 2nd level. The premises have only one way in and one way out which is onto a public car park. Can I ask if the main entrance to the premises can be used as a means of an escape due to the nature of the intended use? Regards.
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