Hi Anthony. Thank you for your reply. Yes, our assessor is insistent that we have evacuation chairs available for use by any visitors. We have a main circulation stair / central stair which is open. You can see this stair when you enter the main reception / lobby area and is a central focus of the school. This staircase takes you to all floors, we have three floors (including ground). We have split our school into three parts; central, left & right. The left and right wing have an enclosed staircase each. These take you down all floors exiting to the rear of our school - school field. The central staircase would lead you back to the reception, to the front of the school.
Our science department also have access to an external staircase which leads them to the side of the building, where they would made their way to the school fields (assembly point).
What other options could we consider or take back to our assessor? I know it if very difficult to answer as you have not seen our school however, I am wondering if we provide alternatives, he may see that evacuation chairs aren't the only answer.