The issue I am having is this as it stands I do not believe the fire doors installed in my property are indeed fire doors, because of their standard of installation.
I live in town house, with a floor above 4.5m and therefore it is a requirement for the house to have a compartmentalised staircase to provide a safe escape route in the event of a fire.
The building control requirements are for an FD20 door, but no FD20 doors exist as it is impossible to test to. The doors installed are therefore FD30 door leafs, this has been confirmed by the confirmation of a BWF certificate on the top of the leaf and confirmation from Premdor.
However this is where I believe, and have had confirmed by numerous other industry professionals, that compliance with Building Regulations ends.
The manufacturers certificate stipulates the way in which the door has been tested and how it must be installed to work as a fire door. It gives very similar information to the BWF's own guidance.
I did the 5 step check on the doors and this is a summary of what I found:
Four of my door leafs do indeed have a certificate, One of the doors has a damaged certificate, therefore inline with the BWF guidance and Premdors Certification and Guarantee this door does not comply and can not be used as a fire door.
The gaps to the undersides of my doors are close to if not in excess of the 10mm maximum allowance for doors. In fact my Kitchen door is actually 20mm. This exceeds the manufacturer's allowance and the BWF's and building regulations.
The doors as installed are certified as fire doors on the basis that an intumescent strip is installed. This is because, as the manufacturer's certificate states, they have been tested as fire doors with an intumescent strip and are therefore required to have one. The intumescent strips installed are faulty, loose or missing and therefore do comply with the manufacturer's certificate and therefore are not compliant as the manufacturers certificate relies on these being in place.
The hinges, to comply with the BWF certificate the manufacturers guidelines and the british standards, need to be CE marked to comply with all of the aforementioned. The hinges as installed do not have CE marks, there is no proof of one and such they do not comply and therefore are not fire doors.
The doors also, as part of the manufacturer's certificates, need to be sealed. None of the doors are sealed fully and therefore do not comply.
Building control are insisting that the doors do not have to be installed in this manner, and that it is only reasonable provision that needs to be provided, yet there is no proof that the doors will satisfy an FD20 rating because it is impossible to test or prove, it has only ever been proven as a fire door as tested.
Building control are also insisting that as long the door hinges are not aluminium they will sign them off and that the CE marks are a trading standards issue. As I understand it hinges used on fire doors are covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) and british standard which states they have to be proven to be fire resistant and therefore must be CE marked to prove this, this is written into law. No fire door hinges can be sold on the european market without a CE mark and yet building control are insisting that it's not a requirement and as long as they aren't aluminium they don't care.
They also are adamant a gap greater than 20mm under my kitchen door is acceptable and that the gaps around the other doors satisfy as well. They also aren't concerned by the damage behind the hinges where one door is split and gaps are present.
My concern is this, the doors as they stand, do not meet any level of standard set out by the BWF or any manufacturer or fire safety site, they do not comply with european or british law (hinges primarily) and the only people saying they are fine are those from building control who have also been paid to provide LABC warranties on the property.
They have also told me in an email that they will be issuing a completion certificate once the external works (which were built level with my DPC) are corrected.
Included is a link to an album showing the installation of the doors briefly.
Thank you for any help