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Geoff C

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Everything posted by Geoff C

  1. Reason I`m just checking is I was going through some stuff on BWF site and watching fire door videos and came across this " Fire Door Seals Do I need to fit seals on my fire door? ALL fire doors MUST be fitted with the appropriate seals. I come across plenty of fire doors on offices within corridors with No strips whatsoever ?
  2. Hi, do ALL fire doors require strips/seals? and since when please
  3. Thanks for reply Tom, appreciated as always, Im not actually doing a RA, someone else has done it and not mentioned the aerosols? I was there on another matter but noticed the aerosols that WERE in a cabinet last time I was there are now on a shelf with class A combustibles either side, I was informing the customer of his responsibilities under the FSO as in : Duty to take general fire precautions 8.—(1) The responsible person must— (a)take such general fire precautions as will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of any of his employees; and (b)in relation to relevant persons who are not his employees, take such general fire precautions as may reasonably be required in the circumstances of the case to ensure that the premises are safe. and Elimination or reduction of risks from dangerous substances 12.—(1) Where a dangerous substance is present in or on the premises, the responsible person must ensure that risk to relevant persons related to the presence of the substance is either eliminated or reduced so far as is reasonably practicable. I was surprised after a visit from a H&S officer that he was told it would be ok to put back on the shelf ? So what was a safer option that he was already implementing has been disregarded on the say so of H&S chap. Bearing in mind the above video I posted, I wouldnt want to be in a shop on fire or in B.A either with aerosols on the shelf exploding everywhere, I think shop fires are few and far between as they are practically occupied 24/7 and aerosols are single layer, stored upright. Many fires in a shop are spotted in their incipient stages and dealt with. As I`m sure you`re aware, official statistics from the ODPM`s office confirm that Brigade only deal with 20% of fires every year, the remaining 80% are dealt with using first aid equipt, bearing in mind if I was doing the FRA, it becomes a legal document and you can bet your boots if an incident did occur and aerosols exploded spreading the fire or injuring people/f/fighters, they`d be looking for someone to blame. The post was fishing for fellow experienced fire prevention bods opinions. You raise a good point regards regs of storage in aerosol warehouses compared to regs of storage in shops. As for domestic, all we can do is educate, when I`m giving courses I mention safe storage, it`s amazing how many people put their deodorant/hairspray on the window ledge with the Sun beating through the window in the Summer or leave those mini aerosols on the dash board of the car :/ Cheers Tom :) Stay well
  4. Im just going to expand on this and explain my reasoning for cupboards/ cabinets/cages, Section 2 the Health & Safety at Work Act imposes a general duty on employers to ensure, SFAIRP the health, safety and welfare of all their employees. Section 3 of the Act imposes similar duties on employers towards those not employed by them but who may be affected by their activities. DSEAR expands on this and Regulation 6 (1) requires employers to ensure that risks to employees (and others who may be at risk) are eliminated or reduced ALARP and Regulation 6 (3) requires employers to use a combination of control and mitigation measures to ensure the safety of employees and others. I have seen Aerosols reaction when subjucted to fire and I`m not at this point prepared to state that it`s ok to have boxes of Aerosols stored willy nilly in between other combustibles :/
  5. Hello good people I`m fishing for expertise here regards storage of aerosols, the type of cans like car spray paints, varnishes and silly string. Have a customer that has a warehouse with approx 10 boxes on the racking shelf, 6 can p/box so 60 cans, my advice when storing aerosols is in a separate fire protected cupboard, cabinet or very least a mesh cage, away from other combustibles and sources of heat or direct sunlight, my concerns are flammable projectiles as a consequence of being involved in any fire outbreak, apparently, they have had a H&S adviser visit who has told them it`s ok to store on the racking shelves in the open ?? I have requested a storage guide from BAMA but just wondered what your opinions were? What I need to bear in mind is the amount of personal care products that are displayed on open shelving in the big stores ? From memory, in the Big stores, display has to be kept to no more than 70kg unless accommodation is involved where as it reduces to 15kg? His arguement could be "Well, Sainsburys, Asda etc have loads on the shelf and they`re not in cabinets or cages, and shops like camping shops have crates of gas cannisters on display for sale in public areas ? thanks
  6. Hi Guys Opinions please regards storage in Electrical/Switch rooms. YES or NO? All I can find is BS7671 states 132.12 Electrical equipment shall be arranged so as to afford as necessary (i) sufficient space for the initial installation and later replacement of individual items of electrical equipment (11) accessibility for operation, inspection, testing, fault detection, maintenance & repair. and Electricity at Work Regs states Regulation 15 (232) Working Space: (a) to allow people to pull back away from the conductors without hazard (b) to allow people to pass each other with ease and without hazard. Nothing to say it is NOT allowed, just indicating that adequate space must be kept, obviously not large ladders that could fall across and induce arcing, not flammables or explosives, so is it allowed with common sense? thank you :)
  7. Cheers Neil appreciated Geoff
  8. Hi Guys I know this is an old post, but biting on to what Tom said, `It appears to be a single chain Perko type Concealed Door Closer which I believe is not able to be adjusted` there are thousands if not millions of those old style brass coloured single chain types still out there (lots with broken chains) . IF still in situ, and working ok, do they need to be changed as they obviously wouldnt have conformed to standards we have now, ? cheers
  9. Cheers Anthony, my view was also that the names are interchangeable, re; Warden being a Marshal and Marshal being a Warden, I have never differentiated in 33 years but seen a lot of post`s like this lately ..... I`ve asterixed the company name out, don`t want to seem I`m picking on anyone :) What’s the difference between a fire warden and a fire marshal? Somewhat unhelpfully, the names are sometimes taken to mean the same thing, and sometimes to mean different things. Here at ****** Fire, we do make a distinction between the Fire Warden and Fire Marshal roles. Fire Marshals have responsibility for containing fires, and for evacuating other people from the building in the event of a fire. Fire Wardens have these duties plus additional responsibility for routine fire prevention work.
  10. Hi all I`d be interested know your thoughts on any difference between a Warden and a Marshal, to me, Warden was always a Marshal, Marshal was a Warden, however, seen a few post`s where as others say in their business that a Warden does checks/ sweep/ etc and the Marshal directs the Wardens and takes roll call at assembly point?
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