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Richard Stevens

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Posts posted by Richard Stevens

  1. Hi

    Can anyone help with why there is a difference between exit width capacity between ADB & the HM Government Guides.

    Table 4 ADB for a 750mm door is 60 persons however DCLG states for 750mm, 80 for high risk - 100 normal & 120 low risk.

    I appreciate that ADB is fairly black & white and is for new builds and refurbs whereby DCLG is for existing building so will give a degree of flexibility.

    The history of 40 persons per minute via a 525 with door will give you your  2 mins (high) 80 persons - 2.5 mins (normal) 100 persons 3 mins (low) 120 so all adds up but

    1050mm  ADB = 220 - DCLG 160 - 200 - 240, so these are double the  750mm figures but 1050mm is not double 750mm?

    Probably looked at it too much and missing the obvious but please humour me.



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