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clarecharliecat's Achievements

  1. Thank you for that.
  2. We rent part of a large business premises with our landlord running the business in the rest of the building. The fire alarm system is for the whole building. For well over a year there have been constant faults on the alarm system caused by the landlord cutting off the sensors in a room in their part of the building. These show on the alarm panel in our part of the building and on the landlord's panel. The alarm does still work (we test it weekly) but frequently beeps for attention because of the faults. We have been warned by the company that maintains the alarm system that the constant faults may mean that our insurance is invalidated & they have reported to the landlord that it needs to be sorted out. Our landlord ignores our concerns. 1) Does the landlord legally have to correct the faults? If so, who do I contact to force them? 2) Could it have invalidated our insurance? Do we need to let our insurance company know? Thank you
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