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forrest fire

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Everything posted by forrest fire

  1. ok am based in Scotland and i have about 20 units of 2kg co2 needing there 10 year hydrostatic pressure testing. now i can scrap them clame in the dosh for brash and buy reconditioned ones but i would like to see how much it would be to get them pressure tested so who out there can do the job what company should i go to. scotland based would be nice so postage wont cost me loads thanks guys
  2. Yeah i understand having 2 water and one co2 could be over kill but if i recommend 1 water 1 co2 and not follow the legislation what implications do i put my self in?
  3. Ok i know about the legislation about fire extinguishers For any story in a building with a floor area equal to or less than 400 m² there should be a minimum of 2 x class 'A' extinguishers with a minimum combined fire rating of 26A. examples: floor area 130m2 .......... 2 x 13A extinguishers floor area 390m2 .......... 2 x 13A extinguishers But why do I see people with one 13a fire extinguisher and a co2 shouldn't they have two 13a fire extinguishers and a co2. Are these other companies not been told or am i missing something Property i visit is less than 400m2
  4. thanks guys this forum is a good place to come
  5. been contacted by a client who wants fire extinguishers put in to Shepard hut at a self catering camping venue its about 3m but 5m so i would say 1 1kg abc powder is fine but i know where something not having powder in enclosed spaces the fire regulation authority have told a other client hers are all wrong and is braking the law (witch she is not) so is this or am i gonna have put in a water and a co2 to cover all the risks and in such a small space or in the 1k abc fine
  6. New company starting out and am looking for good UK suppliers i have use fire protection shop but always looking for cheaper but safe so i can pass the discount on to my clients. So who do you prefer to use
  7. i have been asked to fit fire Extinguishers in a home but its a foster home. with British standards legislation saying For any story in a building with a floor area equal to or less than 400 m² there should be a minimum of 2 x class 'A' extinguishers with a minimum combined fire rating of 26A this i know for businesses and property but is a foster home, so dose the 2 x 13A rule apply to a home,
  8. so nitrogen gas or compressed air? witch one do you like using and why?
  9. so yeah i understand so after 5 years just replace the hole thing because it works out cheaper what do with these old fire extinguishers after the 5 years and get new ones
  10. I could just make a box with a good filter on at the lid and hose going in and blow it all into that
  11. Yeah so discharge test turn out side down and pull the lever collect the power in a bag kinda thing open up look inside. I have the training but we didn't cover power that in depth as much as water
  12. dont you have to look inside the tank after 5 years to make sure its all nice inside i know about the water ones can be turned upside down but was not sure about powder
  13. hi i need to get the power out of a extinguisher its a pressurized fire extinguisher i wanna get the gas out without making a load of mess and reuse the powder, so who got good tips or tools to do this
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