Thank you for responding, Tom. I see you are very active on this forum and always provide sound advice, I am glad you have taken the time to review my questions.
I expected the automated system to fulfil the test requirements, I suppose my concerns were more with the method of supplying permanent power to each light and the fact that tenants in each flat could kill the power to the associated light by playing with their fuse box
In reality, they would not play around with fuse boxes to intentionally kill the power to a light and in any case we would be made aware of this by the indicators on the light itself. However, I wondered if regulations state that this should not be possible.
I have a follow on question which I hope you can help with.
I believe an emergency lighting system must receive a number of certifications to ensure it is compliant:
Installation quality
Photometric performance
Declaration of satisfactory test of operation
I believe the electrician performing the installation should supply evidence of the installation quality, they should also provide instructions on how to test the system.
However, the system has been designed by myself based on advice from various electricians, suppliers of emergency lighting and through my own learning using on-line resources.
I am unable to provide evidence of compliance with light levels, nor am I able to confirm that the system will comply with all requirements imposed by the various regulations. Therefore, I would assume I need to hire a professional to perform such work.
Apologies for my ignorance, but do you have any advice on locating a professional who may review the design, check it ticks all the right boxes and also test the system for photometric performance?
Additionally, are you aware of any other certificates or evidence we must collate?
Thanks again for your time.