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Everything posted by AnthonyB

  1. Fire extinguishers should have suitable emergency lighting adjacent (as per the emergency lighting standard BS5266) and some parties will say that you can meet this by the use of photoluminescent signage and so all your signs must meet this specification, However photoluminescent signage requires continuous 'excitement' by exposure to light to be able to work when needed and does not count as emergency lighting unless part of a photoluminsecent way marking to BS 5266-6:1999 (or BS ISO 16069) so in reality if you need emergency lighting you would still have to provide the electrical light fittings so you might as well use normal signs. The requirement for the sign just to identify an extinguisher is missing is only one code's take on it - other guidance suggests it's to locate the extinguisher as per the RRO requirement regarding non automatic fire equipment
  2. Fire blankets are only really intended for small equipment using cooking oils (chip pan & similar) and a rule of thumb is that if your Class F risk involves more than 3 litres of oil or a container over 300mm diameter then you really should have the required number of F-rated Wet Chemical or Water Mist extinguishers (or even a fixed system for the larger ranges)
  3. The only other manufacturer who uses the E-Series mist nozzle (under license I believe) is the Saudi manufacturer SFFECO who has a range almost identical in construction to Firebug's that include the 3 & 6 litre mist extinguishers. I've had a client who has safely and effectively used a water mist extinguisher on a live 415v industrial laundry machine fire (after CO2 was ineffective) so it's not all bluff, they are as good as they claim!
  4. That sounds like an example of the increasingly common 'rag & tag' service engineer where nothing is inspected or tested and you are lucky if they even change the pull tag. If they remove the horn (which they ideally should to check for blockage & to weigh if the marked commissioning weight is without horn) then they should (although it's not shall in the standard) change the washer.
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