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Everything posted by AnthonyB

  1. You are, of course, not obliged to follow a particular assessors advice and can seek alternative advice as the legislation is functional and not specific to a particular solution. In addition to chairs there are evacuation mats, managed use of lifts, delayed self evacuation and many more options depending on the individuals needs. You don't mention a lift - do you have one?
  2. Not normally, as they are built for evacuation, it's an unusual situation, but the point of the current legislation is functional so as long as you can demonstrate that it would operate safely you could in theory justify it.
  3. If your CO alarm goes off for for than just a very brief period realistically you should follow the official advice: If your carbon monoxide alarm sounds or you suspect a leak: Stop using all appliances, switch them off, and open doors and windows to ventilate the property Evacuate the property immediately; stay calm and avoid raising your heart rate Call the Gas Emergency number on 0800 111 999 to report the incident, or the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Gas Safety Advice Line on 0800 300 363 Don't go back into the property; wait for advice from the emergency services Seek immediate medical help; you may not realise you've been affected by the carbon monoxide and going outside into fresh air won't treat any exposure by itself
  4. They are pretty rubbish fire risk assessors if they can't determine which doors need to be fire doors to protect escapes, maintain compartments and enclose high risk areas! South East is out of my personal area, but as a company we do cover the whole UK
  5. It has been known, yes! Hopefully that's all or it's an expensive job!
  6. Depends how decorative you need it! https://www.diy.com/departments/doors-and-windows/bandq/fire/_/N-92gZ1z13zsvZ1z1398t?page=2 The door and frame need to be matched ideally as testing and approval is usually as a doorset (whole assembly, door, frame, etc) Check the lease for the block doesn't have conditions on the appearance of the door, it may have to match the others.
  7. You are right not to believe him, the fire protection market is awash with chancers wanting to make a quick buck and the doors are likely to not be certified (sadly not illegal) or even recycled (old out of existing buildings). Consult a certified fire door provider who will help you out.
  8. Yes - https://envirograf.com/ They are specialists in tested and certified methods to upgrade existing heritage doors.
  9. If the conversion was Building Regs compliant and is a 'Stay Put' building then ultimately they should be present, but based on the size of premises they are not an immediate requirement (based on the LGA Guide covering fire safety in purpose built flats) If a non compliant conversion and thus using full evacuation then under the LACORS guide they should be FD30S doors with strips & smoke seals
  10. It's not strictly a requirement in existing rented premises, the legislation (seperate to that within the remit of the FRA) compelling private landlords to provide smoke alarms is vague enough to make the use of Grade F (battery only) smoke alarms legal. If you were to carry out a full rewire then under Building Regulations you would need combined mains & battery alarms (Grade D1 if rented, D2 if owner occupied) The risk assessment is for legislation that doesn't even apply inside your flat beyond measures protecting the common areas and other occupiers (i.e. the front door and in substandard construction buildings parts of a communal fire alarm system)
  11. It's an identification plug, often used to identify types of fire door, but this isn't to any of the most common designs past or present, I've always wondered too!
  12. They can be linked to smoke detectors that do this, yes. It is common practice in sleeping risk premises to shut them all at night however.
  13. In theory no, but the closer would need to be linked to automatic fire detection each side of the door in line with the locations stated in BS7273-4
  14. It should have a manual valve in all cases and if provided with a fixed suppression system and automatic valve as well that operates if the system is activated. Retrospective provision of automatic release on general alarm isn't required unless insurers or risk assessments indicate. Some buildings will have linked the main gas intake valve to the alarm instead so all gas equipment shuts down not just the kitchens
  15. Individual manufacturers often provide guidance, usually the top of the chair frame would be 700 - 800mm from the floor.
  16. Without a risk assessment and rationale it's not advisable. That isn't to say it's impossible - several premises are designed for delayed evacuation of certain areas, e.g. larger shopping centres have their security control rooms made of materials with enhanced fire resistance and several similarly enhanced escape routes to allow continued occupation during an alarm so as to monitor and manage any incident and evacuation.
  17. Without seeing the premises and finding out a lot more specific information I can't give you specifics, however there are many potential options, too many people fixate on Evacuation Chairs which are not always the most appropriate answer. You would also have to budget for staff training and maintenance, you can't just buy them and stick them on the wall, it's quite a big job to correctly implement the use of mobility aids.
  18. No, they are making it up as they go along and I would suggest you put this information to your local Fire & Rescue Service's Protection/Technical Fire Safety department (they all have different names for what used to be the Fire Prevention Department these days!) who would be very interested and no doubt follow this up for you.
  19. AnthonyB

    Fire eaters

    As a one off they would be right as they use paraffin which has a relatively high flash point and isn't readily ignited as a pool, but if it is a regular thing there will be a potential build up over time of paraffin soaked into the wood, which would increase the overall risk of fire and increase the intensity and rate of spread of fire generally (as oppose to only during the performance). Most correctly insured fire eaters would have as an insurance clause suitable extinguishers, fire blanket and safety assistant (not necessary dedicated but a member of the troupe not performing at the same time as the others and alternating) on hand and risks should be reasonably low. Some means of protecting the wood from spills of paraffin to prevent accumulation may be wise.
  20. As long as you aren't going to have over 60 persons you are fine on Travel Distance and number of exits
  21. Depends on the door, some fire doors, generally those not protecting escape routes, don't need cold smoke seals.
  22. They should have carried out a fire risk assessment, they are responsible for compliance on behalf of the freeholder and should have instructed one.
  23. Not at all. Only CO2 extinguishers require hydro testing in the UK & EU, all the other types, being lower pressure, are specifically exempted from pressure vessel safety regulations. (A technical exception to this is if they are renovated by being shotblasted and repainted, but this isn't usually done with non CO2 types anymore as new equipment prices make it not cost effective) They do require testing by discharge every 5 years as part of an Extended Service.
  24. That's OK - I had to think for a while to work out the best way!
  25. "A building of approx xxm height with flats off eight half landings" ?
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