Hi All.
I am sure this has been asked before, but I seem to be having trouble locating any info.
A long time ago everyone down my way and probably other places to, were installing panels that could be run of a 3 wire system. (both the sounders and the detection sharing the neutral).
I stopped doing this years ago but I have a client that I do a lot servicing for, yet another engineer does the installs and he is still using this 3 wire method.
I am pretty sure the regs changed with the introduction of EN54, but I cant find any text to back this up.
I would like to point this out to my client and if necessary ad it to my reports.
Would anybody have any knowledge on this.
Today I telephoned: FIA, BAFE, Elesca, FPA, TBFC, NICEIC and not one person could help.
I have seen the text somewhere but cant for the life of me remember where.
Many Thanks