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Everything posted by andrew720

  1. Hello, I've recently joined the forum and I have a question that I'm hoping can be answered here. I'm an adult whom is diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder whom has recently taken up residence in a ground floor one bedroom flat leased from a local housing association. I have become very concerned though of what the fire escape route would be from the primary fire escape to a safe distance away from the building, therefore I would like to ask, is there a legal obligation for house letting agencies or associations to make available to tenants a safe and accessible fire escape route to a designated fire assembly point or to an area that should be considered a safe distance away from the building? If so, what are the legal requirements for that fire escape route and if I feel that the legal requirements are not being met, whom should I notify after the housing association itself of any breeches in fire safety. Any information will be very gratefully received.
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