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  1. Hi All, More advice needed please. I have a new customer who has been with Nu Swift for years. Several of their water additive extinguishers are over the 5 year discharge period although they have been serviced annually by Nu Swift. The client told me that Nu Swift told them that their units only need discharge testing every 10 years not 5 hence their eye watering charges. Is this correct as I don't want to cause them any more costs than is necessary. The extinguishers look the business but at over £300 quid each they should do !! I cant believe how they get away with it. I wish I could :) I've been on Nu Swifts web site and its totally useless in this matter thanks again Leighton
  2. Thanks Shawn, That's what I thought.
  3. Hi All, As a newly certificated BS5306 tech I am looking for some advise please. I am coming across a number of extinguishers in premises that are relatively new and in good visual condition but have never had a commissioning service. they have no maintenance sticker at all. I think they are being bought off e bay or the internet and just hung by themselves. Question is - what do I do with them ? Do I identify when they were manufactured and give them a basic service and mark the discharge/hydraulic test date from that manufactured date or do I switch them with new and get them checked and refilled. Thanks
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