Is there a date when the signage changes take place and most importantly, when the Euro sign becomes 'illegal'?
I look after fire safety several buildings. This includes a very large building with hundreds of Euro signs. Each sign has been amended to show an escape route designation within each door symbol (A,B,C etc). This allows messages to be sent over a voice alarm system in the event that exits routes should be avoided and is required by the FRA due the nature of work carried out and the layout of the premises
The cost of replacing these signs will be enormous and will need to be factored in to the estates budget, plus staff will need to be informed of the change and emergency plans redrawn. I doubt whther this can be achieved within 5 years
Personally I think the whole signage change fiasco is a farce. The most important thing is that people understand what the sign is telling them. Whilst I accept that the 'man running into a fridge' Euro sign is not as good as the BS versions, do the legislators really think that the British public are so stupid, they can't understand understand the Euro sign. If that is the case, where are the stacks of dead bodies?