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Everything posted by green-foam

  1. Hamzah, the question was asked by jon71 almost 3 years ago, it was the only post he ever made (Look at the speech bubble on the left, it clearly shows just 1) he has never been back since, so will never read or your question reply to you, the only available reply has been given. On any forum, it is never a good idea to reply to old posts.
  2. Life safety devices should be mounted in acordance with the manufacturers instructions, I have yet to see any instructions that state it should be placed under the dogs bed.
  3. I would suggest you check the date on all of your detectors, as they are no longer made, and may have passed their working life of 10 years. If you do decide to change them, the good news is that all Aico smoke alarms use the same easifit base, except for the CO alarms which will need the new easyfit base. (The same as the other bases you already have)
  4. That's nice, it's also common. You will have to find what it is that beeps, have you tried looking in the loft? in cupboards, in that old box that no one touches? Apart from that, it is not possible to help you from this end of a keyboard.
  5. No, Blackwood fire is a "Fire protection company" based in Wales, like most fire protection companies they buy things in, in quantity and have their own brand sticker put on it. It is only my guess that it is a roshni, your screen shot is of such a low resolution it's not possible to be 100% accurate, also as you say it is no longer there, so it can not be proven one way or the other.
  6. That looks very much like a "Roshni" fire alarm sounder. A very common conventional sounder. It has a choice (via DIL switches) of 32 tones. It operates at 24v (But will work at 12v) Still available today new for less than £30
  7. I would suggest you contact the boiler installer to establish why your boiler beeps. I would also suggest you buy and install a carbon monoxide alarm, one with a digital display is best such as the kidde unit. Click here as it not only has a digital display it also has a peak level reading too.
  8. Your alarm is 7 years old, the Deta 1151 smoke alarm is obsolete. I would suggest you change the complete alarm, also if you have any other Deta 1151 smoke alarms I suggest you change those too.
  9. green-foam


    I would suggest you call a locksmith and get a new lock fitted.
  10. Fire testing of furniture is a very rigorous and expensive procedure and often costs more than the single item being tested, so it would be cheaper to buy a new item of furniture and give that away. Also, after rigorous fire testing the item will be severely burnt (Due to how it will be tested) writing the item off. But if you are a private individual, there is nothing stopping you from selling it to another private individual, so long as you do not turn this into a business.
  11. There are generally two types of Emergency Light. Maintained and Non Maintained. Maintained has a permanent mains supply, its light source is illuminated all the time. Non Maintained has a permanent mains supply but will only illuminate when the device has a power failure. Some non maintained Emergency lights can be configured as maintained. You may have purchased a Maintained light instead of non maintained light, or you may have configured it wrong.
  12. There is no regulation that says that fire detection devices must be replaced after 10 years, and when tested so long as a device works as it should it still complies, however it is also recommended that the manufactures instructions should also be noted. In the case of your System sensor heat detector and your Honeywell smoke detector both state "They can not last forever, and we recommend replacement after 10 years" I have seen detectors that are over 10 years still work when tested. There is of course nothing to stop you paying to have them all changed any time you wish.
  13. To silence all of your smoke alarms after ascertaining there is no fire you press the test button. This should silence all smoke alarms. After 10 minutes of the silence button being pressed the detectors will "reset" As for which smoke alarm initiated the alarm condition the manual is not specific, but I would suggest you look at each smoke alarm and see which one is flashing differently.
  14. I would be asking who told you a CO2 extinguisher should have a gauge?
  15. If such a device exists you would need to interface it to your existing fire alarm panel, this would NOT be a DIY option. Alternately, you can get smoke alarms that can (via an interface) signal your mobile phone.
  16. Hello Cri, you have miss-understood. I never said the Aico smoke alarm baseplate is compatible with the Deta Brand. I said Other manufacturers change the design of their smoke alarm and change the design of the baseplate accordingly. Aico have changed their smoke alarm design (slightly) and brought out new alarms BUT they all use the same baseplate For clarification, I have attached a picture of an Aico baseplate and another brand of smoke alarm baseplate. When changing a smoke alarm that is interlinked with other alarms you should change all of them at the same time to the same brand as this avoids any compatibility problems and gives the assurance they will all sound when they need to. The other thing to consider is that most smoke alarms require an optional baseplate to be ordered, Aico alarms do not require this as it is included in the box and is part of the alarm. I should also point out that when mounted to their respective baseplate most smoke alarms are deeper than the Aico
  17. If it is your own private house that you live in, it is up to you to install/have installed any more smoke alarms as you see fit. Ideally as you said each bedroom should have its own smoke alarm as well as each habitable room (Lounge, dining room, study etc) also as you said the kitchen should have a heat alarm. It is also a good idea to have a carbon monoxide alarm in any room that has a fuel burning appliance. Alarms should be interlinked
  18. green-foam


    Open what?
  19. If you have changed 3 batteries in 3 smoke alarms and all 3 have their green light constantly on and the red light flashes every 40 seconds (as it should) There is nothing wrong with the mains supply, so to call an electrician would be pointless 😗 (Note: There are no user serviceable parts other than the battery) The symptoms you describe are not unusual, and it is a simple solution. There is another detector close by that does indeed have a low battery, it may be on top of a cupboard or in a drawer or even in the loft, I my self have been on jobs where the customer has asked me to look, and every time there has been another alarm found (Some are still in their packaging "thrown to one side, and been forgotten") also don't forget carbon monoxide alarms have batteries too (Mine started beeping last night) A case such as yours was posted May 2023 (Top of this page) I would also suggest you check the model as the Ei141 is an ionisation alarm and is obsolete. It would help if you post your findings.
  20. This red PVC cable, is it 3 core and earth that is used to power and interconnect the smoke alarms? If so, the question should be, are the smoke alarms suitable for the property. Red 3 core and earth is made by Doncaster cables to identify that the cable is not a 2 way switching cable (That is what grey 3 core and earth is used for) but it should only be used for interlinking smoke alarms.
  21. To find which smoke alarm activated first look at each alarm in turn, the one with a flashing RED LED is the one that initiated the alarm. (I Would suggest that to be sure, even if you find the flashing LED you still look at all of your smoke alarms)
  22. As I said last year, if you have tried all that I have mentioned, as there are no user serviceable parts, you have no option other than to change it. I would also suggest that you may want to change brands, but if you do this you will have to change ALL your smoke and or CO alarms, as you should not mix and match brands. If so, I would suggest you Click here
  23. 4 Beeps followed by a short pause then repeated means the alarm has detected Carbon Monoxide, for which you should be extremely careful and check all fuel burning appliances. If you suspect the device is activating when it shouldn't and you have another Carbon Monoxide alarm, if you are sure the 2nd alarm works correctly, you could place it adjacent the first alarm and observe what it does. Deta Carbon monoxide alarms have a 5 year warrantee, you may like to get in touch with Deta. (If you do, it would be appreciated if you let us know what they say.)
  24. As the alarm stopped of its own accord, I would suspect it sensed something that is above its alarm threshold so it activated. If it did not stop then you may have cause for concern. As you took it outside and removed the battery (Presumably you put the battery back in a short while later and took the alarm back indoors) and it has not activated again, I would suggest you press the test button to make sure it still works. I would also suggest you check the age of the alarm itself (Some expire after 5 years, some after 7 years and some 10 years) as well as check the age of the battery (Some have a lifetime battery) If the alarm still works after you have pressed the test button, and the batteries have not expired, and the unit is within expiry date, you have experienced a "false alarm"
  25. Each brand of smoke alarm has its own unique parts, so no, you can not use a "Brand G" smoke alarm on a "Brand K" base. If you read through this forum, Deta smoke alarms did seem to be more troublesome than most. 7 years for a smoke alarm is a bit short. I can only suggest that you change all of your smoke alarms, I would suggest the Aico Ei146e These have a sturdy base, and room to connect the existing cables (No connector block required) The cheapest I have found them is £31 inc delivery Click here
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