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  1. It would be up to the individual charity shop what they will or will not accept, you will have to ask them. Yes, legally they can accept it (if you can prove its age) but that does not mean they have to accept it. If you are a private individual, there is nothing stopping you selling it to another private individual.
  2. You will NOT get a reply from Althetaff as the question was asked in April 2024, Althetaff only made 2 posts on the same day and has never posted since, best start your own thread. Never "borrow" someone elses.
  3. You can have radio interlinked mains supplied smoke alarms, I would ask your BCO why you can't, but I would suggest Aico brand.
  4. It could be. It is often suggested that smoke alarms should be changed when they are 10 years old.
  5. Jag, on any forum it is never a good idea to direct your question to a specific forum member, the reason is, as demonstrated in this case, Tom Sutton last posted in November 2022 so will never read or reply to you. The admin on this site is not as good as it could be, hence your question was allowed with no notification to you.
  6. It is up to the charity shop if they wish to sell it or not, you should ask them.
  7. As you say, simplisafe is a domestic intruder alarm, it should never be considered to be or referred as a fire alarm. Incidentally CO2 is carbon dioxide, it is what makes fizzy drinks sparkle. I believe you are thinking of Carbon monoxide which is CO. The two are very different.
  8. To prevent spam all new posts have to be vetted, this does not happen on a weekend hence this "late" reply. If a carbon monoxide alarm activates, and you called a gas engineer and he says all is well, and an hour later the same alarm goes off again, I would be looking at the alarm, how old is it, when was its battery last changed, is there anything "new" in or near the where the CO detector is...............
  9. Hamzah, the question was asked by jon71 almost 3 years ago, it was the only post he ever made (Look at the speech bubble on the left, it clearly shows just 1) he has never been back since, so will never read or your question reply to you, the only available reply has been given. On any forum, it is never a good idea to reply to old posts.
  10. Life safety devices should be mounted in acordance with the manufacturers instructions, I have yet to see any instructions that state it should be placed under the dogs bed.
  11. I would suggest you check the date on all of your detectors, as they are no longer made, and may have passed their working life of 10 years. If you do decide to change them, the good news is that all Aico smoke alarms use the same easifit base, except for the CO alarms which will need the new easyfit base. (The same as the other bases you already have)
  12. That's nice, it's also common. You will have to find what it is that beeps, have you tried looking in the loft? in cupboards, in that old box that no one touches? Apart from that, it is not possible to help you from this end of a keyboard.
  13. No, Blackwood fire is a "Fire protection company" based in Wales, like most fire protection companies they buy things in, in quantity and have their own brand sticker put on it. It is only my guess that it is a roshni, your screen shot is of such a low resolution it's not possible to be 100% accurate, also as you say it is no longer there, so it can not be proven one way or the other.
  14. That looks very much like a "Roshni" fire alarm sounder. A very common conventional sounder. It has a choice (via DIL switches) of 32 tones. It operates at 24v (But will work at 12v) Still available today new for less than £30
  15. I would suggest you contact the boiler installer to establish why your boiler beeps. I would also suggest you buy and install a carbon monoxide alarm, one with a digital display is best such as the kidde unit. Click here as it not only has a digital display it also has a peak level reading too.
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